Vajrasana is the best yoga after eating the food! Do this approximately 20 minutes after your meal to improve your digestive process
The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health” Vajra means hard. That is why it is called Vajrasana because doing it makes the body strong and stable. This is the only asana that can be done even after food. Its practice helps in increasing the digestive power. The gastric fire is lit up, abdominal gas disorders are removed. The spine and shoulders are straight and blood circulation in the body happens properly. It also strengthens the leg muscles. Also, there is no problem of gas and constipation.
This is a meditative asana. It removes the restlessness of the mind. This is the only asana that can be done after food.
By doing this, indigestion, acidity, gas, constipation are cured. First do this asana for 10 seconds, then increase it to 20 seconds. After practicing continuously for a few days, you will start doing Vajrasana for one minute. By doing it for 5 to 15 minutes after food, the food gets digested properly. However, in daily yoga practice, it should be done for 1-3 minutes. It relieves pain in the knees. It is also a meditative posture. One should sit in it for some time according to one’s convenience. The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
The only posture to be done after eating
The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”-This is the only posture that is done after eating food. Sitting in Vajrasana for ten minutes after eating helps in digestion of food quickly and relieves constipation, gas, flatulence etc. If there is pain in the knees, then one should not do Vajrasana. If the stomach and digestion are healthy, then the hair also becomes healthy. Vajrasana is the only posture that can be done after eating food, especially after lunch.
Vajrasana strengthens the digestive system and diseases related to it also get cured gradually.
People who cannot sit with legs folded for a long time can rest for some time by sitting in the position of Vajrasana.
We get digestion related problems by sleeping immediately after a very heavy diet or sitting and watching TV. In such a situation, if you include Vajrasana in your routine instead of watching TV or sleeping immediately after eating, then you will definitely stay away from digestion related problems.
You can do Vajrasana anytime during the day, but this is the only asana which is very effective immediately after eating. It not only keeps the digestion process right but also provides relief from lower back pain.
Method of Asana
The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”-Both knees should be together in front. The heels of the feet should be outward and the toes should be inward. The thumb of the right foot should be around the thumb of the left foot. Both hands above the knees. In this asana, bend the knees and sit in such a way that the buttocks come in between the two heels, the thumbs of both the feet should be together and there should be a gap between the heels.
How to do VajrasanaThe Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
1.Sit on the yoga mat.
2.Sit on your knees and keep the soles of your feet under your hips
3.To do this asana, bend the knees and sit straight on the toes.
4.The thumbs of both feet should meet each other and there should be a little distance between the heels.
5.Keep the waist and neck straight.
6.Keep the hands above the knees or in the lap in a dhyana mudra.
7.Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
8.Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes and keep breathing normally
Benefits of VajrasanaThe Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
1. Vajrasana keeps the blood circulation towards the navel center. This increases the digestive power and stomach related diseases also start to go away.
2. Vajrasana is also useful for women. It can help get rid of menstrual problems.
3. Sleeping immediately after a heavy diet or sitting and watching TV causes digestion related problems. In such a situation, if you include Vajrasana in your routine instead of watching TV or sleeping immediately after eating, then you will definitely stay away from digestion related problems. The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
4. You can do Vajrasana anytime during the day, but this is the only asana which is very effective immediately after eating. It not only keeps the digestive process right but also provides relief from lower back pain. The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
5. Helpful in digestion During Vajrasana, the maximum pressure is applied on the middle part of the body. During this, there is a slight pressure on the stomach and intestines, which relieves the problem of constipation and keeps digestion fine.
6. Relief from stress In the posture of Vajrasana, the tension of the muscles of the waist and legs is relieved and the joints open. After walking a lot or standing for a long time, you will feel relaxed with the help of this asana. Keeps away from diseases. Regular practice of Vajrasana is helpful in keeping away from diseases like varicose veins, joint pain and arthritis. Apart from this, this asana is also helpful in muscle problems.
7. Breathing exercise During this asana, the act of taking and exhaling deeply is helpful in removing breathing problems. Regular practice of this asana is beneficial in the respiratory process.
8. Helpful in weight loss Regular practice of Vajrasana helps in weight loss. It keeps the body’s metabolism fine and makes the muscles flexible, so if you want a good figure, then practice this asana. 9. This asana keeps the digestive system smooth and also cures other stomach ailments.
Points to note The Best Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion, Wellness, and Health”
1. People who have joint pain or arthritis should not do this asana. People who have weak knees, arthritis or weak bones should not do Vajrasana.
2. Keep both hands on the knees. Do not bend backwards too much. Keep the body straight so that balance is maintained.
3. Leave the hands and body completely loose and close your eyes for some time.
4. Keep your attention towards the breath. Gradually your mind will also become calm.
5. One should sit in this asana for five minutes, especially after meals.
6. Those who are new to the practice may not feel so much stretch in the knees, thighs and ankles.